How did you begin painting and who has taught you the most?
I began painting from as early on as I can remember, I want to say before I started grade school. My parents were constantly buying me drawing books, fashion design books, sketchbooks, you name it. Anything that I could use to learn to better myself as a young creator I used. Not to mention my grandpa painted a little, it didn’t seem like anything serious to him but seeing his paintings sparked interest within me. I can’t give all the credit to myself; I had many teachers along the way who have taught me and influenced how and why I create the way I do today. My dad has taught me the most about not only art but, life in general.
What is the most important thing for you to do when starting a new piece?
The most important thing for me to do before I start a new piece is to have a clear, positive mindset. Allowing myself to have a clear, positive mindset allows me to create at my highest level. Not only do I prepare myself for a clear mindset but, I definitely try and plan a trip somewhere with friends or even myself, allowing myself to have a new environment and not only create a new experience, but hoping that I can learn something that allows me to see a new perspective on something that I may or may have not seen before.
How do you describe your art style?
I would describe my art style as “free”. “Free” in the sense that I paint what I feel, what I see, and what I experience throughout my life. I struggled as an artist for a while trying to set a certain style for myself, later to realize that my style is to be not only free but “unconfined” in the sense that I can create how to feel the piece should be viewed regardless of a style type. New experiences bring forth expressive ways.
What was your favorite painting to complete?
My favorite painting that I have completed so far would have to be “Don’t mind me, just doing my edges” because, the colors within the piece don’t exactly match yet they complement each other so well. I created the piece as a self-reflection, which is also why it is my favorite piece. I feel that I am constantly changing my appearance, my art style, my mind etc so, being able to capture myself on canvas allows me to one day look back and think about not only my personal growth but also a creative.
What motivates you to create?
The experience motivates me to create and what I mean by “Experience” is life itself. Being able to take my emotions about what it is learned or saw and putting the feelings onto canvas excites me. Allowing myself to re-create that experience through undefined shapes and colors allows me to internalize what it is I went through not only as a creative but as a person. On my not-so-good day, I always try and remind myself that “You have the ability to create, so create”.
How has your style developed over time?
My art styled has developed over time through consistency and practice. Which I feel is the key to any real development within a craft that one wants to master. My goal is to not only master my craft but, be the best version not only for myself but for others around me.